Chabba Guide wallpaper Hero Wars

Chabba Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Chabba's Main Attributes
Main Attributes Details
Position: Frontline
Function: Tank, Control
Primary Stats: Strength
Faction: Nature
How to Obtain: Events, Heroic chest, Arena Shop
Tier List 2024
Tier List 2024 Rank
Hero Tier List: A
Hydra Tier List: B

Strategy on how to use Chabba

Chabba used to be one of the hardest heroes to find on top teams, but after Artemis's rework he's used heavily on Artemis teams on top teams. He is quite fun to use, due to his skill set related to food.

Currently Chabba has been successful in Artemis teams and it is very difficult to defeat them, every hero has his team, and for that reason, Chabba ended up joining the 2023 META teams.

All heroes have their place, in my humble opinion he is also a good counter to Andvari teams and a good option for those who have a strong Karkh, since Chabba swallows Andvari Karkh will be free to defeat the enemy team; Chabba is also useful against Corvus teams.

Chabba Gluttony Talisman Guide

With the talisman, Chabba gains more points and physical attack with the Strength attribute. Furthermore, he can gain up to 165,000 life points with Reroll becoming very strong, as Chabba has an ability that increases armor proportional to the amount of life lost.

Attributes of the Talisman of Gluttony
Slot Statistics Points
0 Strength +2000
1 Health +55000
2 Health +55000
3 Health +55000

Chabba's Voracity Talisman Guide

Voracity Talisman Overview

The Voracity Talisman significantly boosts Chabba's defenses, making him a formidable tank, especially against magic-based teams. Here are the key benefits:

To achieve these maximum values, it is necessary to reroll the three slots to their maximum potential of 6,600 points each.

Impact on Chabba's Performance

Enhanced Magic Defense: The substantial increase in magic defense allows Chabba to absorb more damage from magic attacks, reducing the overall damage taken by your team from magic-based enemies.

Improved Armor: The additional armor makes Chabba even more resilient against physical attacks, although not as specialized as the Gluttony Talisman in this regard.

Fat Layer Ability Explanation

The Fat Layer ability increases Chabba's armor proportionally to his missing health. As Chabba loses health, his armor increases, making him harder to kill as he takes more damage.

Comparative Analysis: Voracity Talisman vs. Gluttony Talisman

Choosing the Right Talisman

The choice between the Voracity Talisman and the Gluttony Talisman should be based on the type of enemy team you are facing. The Voracity Talisman is more effective against magic-heavy teams, providing a robust increase in magic defense and a considerable boost in armor. On the other hand, the Gluttony Talisman is better suited for physical damage teams, offering higher health stats to withstand sustained physical attacks. Both talismans enhance Chabba's survivability, but their effectiveness depends on the specific threats posed by the enemy.

Chabba Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Swallowed the enemy tank leaving them tankless
  • Reduces the speed of enemies
  • Increases armor as it lose health
  • Restores health while feeding on the swallowed enemy

Negative Points

  • Little support for the team
  • Weak against magic teams

Guide: Strategies for Chabba's Glyphs, Artifacts, and Skins Evolution in Hero Wars Alliance


Glyphs are essential for improving Chabba's basic attributes, providing significant advantages in combat. Here are the evolution priorities for Chabba's glyphs:

Glyph Evolution Priority
Armor High
Health High
Strength Medium
Magic Defense Medium
Physical Attack Low


Artifacts offer additional skills and stat bonuses for Chabba. Here are the evolution priorities for Chabba's artifacts:

Artifact Evolution Priority
Book High
Weapon Medium
Ring Low


Skins not only change Chabba's appearance but also offer additional stat bonuses. Here are the evolution priorities for Chabba's skins:

Skin Evolution Priority
Armor High
Life - Super Skin High
Life Medium
Strength Medium
Magic Defense Low
Physical Attack Low

By following these evolution strategies for glyphs, artifacts, and skins of Chabba in Hero Wars Alliance, players can maximize the potential of this unique hero and strengthen their team to face the game's toughest challenges. Remember to adjust your priorities according to the overall team strategy and Chabba's specific needs in different combat situations. With a smart approach to evolution, Chabba will become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Chabba Max stats Hero Wars Mobile
Chabba with Lunar look, Hero Wars Mobile.

Chabba vs Hydra

Chabba is not a great tank against hydras and is not among the best Hydra teams, but because he has a lot of armor he can be useful on secondary teams for physical damage hydras: earth, water and fire, and can be great if used on Artemis teams on Hydras.

Chabba in Battles

Strong Against

  • Andvari, Astrid and Lucas, Corvus, Aurora, Rufus, Cleaver, Chabba is strong against tanks


  • Celeste, Dante, Sebastian, Q.Mao, Jet, Darkstar and teams with 2 tanks or 1 tank plus a warrior tank

Chabba Best Teams

Table: Best Chabba Teams Hero Wars
Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Luther, Chabba
Fafnir, Artemis, Faceless, Tristan, Chabba
Fafnir, Artemis, Jorgen, Tristan, Chabba
Fafnir, Artemis, Dante, Tristan, Chabba
Fafnir, Artemis, Faceless, Jorgen, Chabba
Phobos, Faceless, Xe'Sha, Mojo, Chabba
Helios, Dorian, Orion, Morrigan, Chabba
Fafnir, Artemis, Morrigan, Tristan, Chabba
Helios, Dorian, Orion, Astaroth, Chabba
Helios, Faceless, Jorgen, Judge, Chabba

Conclusion: Unlocking Chabba's Potential

Throughout this tutorial, we've explored the various facets of the hero Chabba in Hero Wars Alliance, from his unique abilities to the evolution strategies of his attributes and equipment. Chabba, with his wild hunger and peculiar abilities, emerges as a valuable asset in many players' teams, offering a unique blend of tanking and damage.

Chabba's ability, Wild Hunger, not only deals damage by swallowing an enemy but also provides valuable control over the battlefield, allowing his team to focus their efforts on specific targets. With his second ability, Burp, Chabba can incapacitate opponents with damage and slow, adding even more utility to his kit.

Chabba's layer of fat not only makes him more resilient as he loses health but also highlights his ability to adapt and withstand enemy attacks. Finally, with the ability Bottomless Belly, Chabba turns inflicted damage into health, ensuring his survival and prolonging his presence on the battlefield.

By mastering Chabba's abilities and evolution strategies, players can unlock his true potential and strengthen their teams for future challenges. Whether facing opponents in epic battles or navigating the game's complex meta, Chabba stands out as a formidable force, ready to lead his team to victory.

Video suggestion

Nature vs Eternity facction battles

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